that's exactly how I feel today. On Saturday I had the "brilliant" idea of eating a little bag of cashews and all hell broke loose...
I am allergic to them and my throat started closing, and it was really hard to breathe. My stomack was on fire from the nuts and I was really scared.
Thank God my Mom was here with me.
To top it all off, my already sore throat, is even worse now that I caught Natalia's latest flu from day care :( :( :(
On to something nicer...

A couple of LOs from last week's scrap craze :)
Have a very good, cashew free, week!!
Oh my goodness...dude thats craz! We were talking about just that at Rhonda's Girl I am so glad you are ok...that mess is no joke. Man, I hope you feel better like RIGHT NOW! And your picture is slowly but surly coming to life :)
Relax and chill kay?
Get Better,
Glad you're ok. Peanut allergies are no joke. As always, love your pages!
WOW- your cards are GORGEOUS!!
...and glad you're okay!
OMG! I hope you're feeling better. If there's anything you need, let me know (seriously!). I'm just a short drive away. =)
Love your lo's, as usual! Gorgeous!
omg, so sorry for the reaction. So glad your mom was there wit you!! :)
your layouts are stunning and you rocked that new SR, must get some :)
omg anilu thats so crappy!!
i hope you feel better soon, and no more nuts!
btw, those pages are kickin.
i love all the tearing action you got going on =)
omg... glad ur okay. wow.. that does sound scary.. and ur layouts.. well.. all i can say is .. perfection. hugs
Oh, anilu how scary…i have a very allergic husband so i know all about it. On a happier note, check my blog for a surprise for you.
OMG! I am so glad you are ok!!!
scary...glad your mama was there! The layouts are amazing...I just love em'!!!
Poor thing! No more cashews for you! Feel better, k? Smooches :)
Hope you're feeling better and I know that feeling because Ihave the same thing with pine nuts! YUK!
LOVE the layouts!
loving that new SR ;)
glad your cashew episode turned out okay!
dude that is scary....glad you're ok...btw I"M BACK!!!!!! wooo hooooo
Thank goodness you are ok. NO more peanuts. I don't need to lose another friend!
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