I will miss her always. She was funny, caring and an amazing friend.
This is the last thing she ever wrote to me:
Anilu:Chica, you will have place in my heart always.
You know I've always thought you were pretty damn cool... but now I just think you are better than that! You are a bad ass! I love it.
Oh my I am so sorry for your loss!
i didn't ever meet her but i wanted to. I miss her, I miss that i didn't get the chance to know her more. I am so sad. Big hug to you
It won't be the same without her on SC, even though I never met her It was like I knew her. Going to miss her.
This is such a huge loss:( She truly touched everyone she came into contact with.
ay anilu... i'm so sorry, sweetheart. i know your friend must have been someone special if she meant that much to you. i will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
te quiero.
She was so beautiful...insde and out. I will miss her so much.
so heartbreaking. :(
OMG this is such a shock I am so saddened to hear about dear sweet Aleida!!
Anilu, I love that she called you a bad ass. That was a great compliment. Our Aleida was a champion of supporting others. We are all so lucky to have known her.
i just came here to say hello, anilu, and then...how can this be? i'm at a loss for words. i will miss her too. this is so so sad...
I am still in shock and I cannot even express the sadness that I felt when I heard the news, and I didn't know her!!! I loved how she was so full of life and such an inspiration to us! May God bring peace to her family and friends... HUGS!!!!!
Anilu hijita de mi vida:como todos los dias,cuando Gili sale a su trabajo y Pau a la escuela,lo primero que hago es revisar tu blog,saber como esta tu animo,asi que conocia a Aleida,porque siempre leo los comentarios,por lo que estaba familiarizada con ella y casi siempre habia comentarios de ella en tus articulos.Se como te sientes mi nina,ella evidentemente debe ser una persona con mucha luz,por eso aunque casi nadie la conociera personalmente,trascendio su carisma y bondad.
Se que siempre guardaras un lugar en tus carinos,para ella.
Te quiero mucho Anilu.
Tu mama,Ana Maria.
She has touched as all.
yes, she touched our lives!!
she was a brilliant woman and very spicy huh? :) loved her and i will miss her terribly.
big hugs sweet girl and i enjoyed our chat today!
Soooo sad!!! We are all gonna miss her!
I'm so very sorry Anilu...
Oh, I feel so bad for your loss.
Loosing a dear friend is unimaginable.
Take care of yourself during this intense grieving time.
I believe that people die when they have completed their mission in this life. I hope you and all that knew her can find comfort and peace.
this really is so sad. I can't believe she is gone, what a shock. Hugs to you.
Hey, i read about her passing. her family is definitely in my prayers.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend!
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