Friday, September 30, 2011

Leaving On A Jet Plane....

Yes! I am finally able to visit the US again (HOME!) and I am going on a little weekend vacay to a mysterious place that promises to be a swell time for all involved.

I am actually sitting on a plane while you read this...

ETA: I have had a HUGE lungful of Miami air by now too. I almost died dead right there on the curb.

Now more than ever, I know I am coming back soon. SOON.

A whole weekend of peace, calm and good things with people I had been dying to be with. Finally!

So, my lovelies, I will be back next week, with a new outlook, rested and happy to have been back home even if for a few days, while the trip back home for good happens.

Have a wonderful weekend. I will do the same. Whoohoo.

Digital goodies are Paislee Press. Font is Wisdom Script.

Au revoir, mes belles!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Font Love: New Ones To Love.

I have to say I not only love all these new font finds, but the tons of doodle brushes I found are making me giddy. Found them all through a simple Google search of "doodles Photoshop brushes". I never bookmarked each one, so I can't give you links... Sorry.

Being this close to Friday is also making me giddy. Ha!
Enjoy your Thursday, pretty people.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty...

Here I am with a new post I had been wanting to make for a while. These are my every day beauty must haves. The stuff I use every single day and have for a while.

All are tried and true, keep coming back to them products that I simply cannot live without. I started taking care of my skin at about 14 and never stopped. I have been blessed with very kind, age gracefully genes, but my daily routine is a huge part of it.

So, here they are. I like shopping online, so all of these goodies can be found and bought on the interwebs.

What are yours? I'm always looking for the next great thing... Like I need any more. Ha!

All digital elements are Paislee Press. Font is Ostrich.

Enable me, will you?
Happy Wednesday, lovely people.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Font Love: Lost Type Co-op, Part Deux.

As promised, here's part two of my Lost Type Co-op type finds. Ribbon Numerals, Tightrope and Wisdom Script are my fave of this batch.

I always find it so cool that these incredible designers would create these wonderful fonts and offer them to us, font lovers/addicts/enthusiasts, for free.

To all of them I say a big, huge thank you. Huge.

I know there are lots more cool font sites I have yet to discover. If you know of one of those magical places, be a darling and tell me all about it, yeah?

I'll love you forever...  Have a great Thrusday.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Goodies Are A Good Thing.

Since life decided to separate me from my delicious stash of paper and glue which I adore and miss like crazy, digital has been my life saver.

Of course, just as I hoarded paper and embellishments, I now hoard digital kits and fonts. Oh, the fonts. They will be the death of me. Alas, here are my recent additions...

I had been drooling over these until I succumbed. Ha! Yeah, that took lots of effort.
Templates are Pugly Pixel. You can get my goodies at Design House Digital and MyFonts.
Font used: Dream Lover by MyFonts.

Yes, I enable. It's what I do.

Have a very lovely Tuesday.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Where The Heart Is.

As you all know, I love, LOVE living in Florida. Love it with a huge passion. Sadly, by circumstances out of my control, I have had to live in Mexico City for the past two years, leaving my whole life on hold in Miami. It's been a killer. A test of endurance and it's been hard.

The other day I was browsing Etsy and I found these super cool Florida love goodies that I am aching to buy. All of them. Ha!

Lovely stuff, isn't it? I just can't wait to go back home... It's where my heart is.

Template by Pugly Pixel. Font is Cheap Pine by MyFonts.

Have a great week, pretty people.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Font Love: OMG. I'm In Love.

Big time in luuurve with this fabulous place called Lost Type Co-op. All of the fonts I found there were not only free, but now in my top fonts of all time. All. Of. Them.

Lemme show you part one of my Lost Type finds... Sigh.

Aren't they just insanely cool? I love the retro vibe they give off, love that most are all caps, love it all.

Chalkboard texture: deviantArt. Screws: Katie Pertiet.

It's almost Friday. Yeehaw!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Can't Have Martha, But I Have Sweet Paul.

A while ago I found this amazing online magazine called Sweet Paul. Being the huge Martha fan that I am, I immediately fell in love with it.

There are four issues a year, one for each season, and it's chock full of amazing stuff, recipes, photographs, DIYs, oh my!

You can find it here,  and if you somehow hadn't heard of it, run. Run like the wind and enjoy the brand new Fall Issue that just came out.

I just found out you can also buy print copies and I am so gonna get them all as soon as I'm back home.

So, there you have it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Photo template by Pugly Pixel. Font HT Pasticceria from My Fonts.

Happy hump day, pretty ones.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Program...

I was doing so great updating the blog every day, finding lots to talk about... But life happens and it's been happening to me with a vengeance lately.

But, I am trying hard to get through it all so I can come back to fill this blog I love and enjoy so much, with all the things I like to make and share with y'all.

In the meantime, I'll still post here and there, but the everyday posting will take a little break. Really little break, just till I get my bearings and get back on track again.

Wish me luck, lovelies. I need it like there was no tomorrow.

All those cool graphic brushes are Katie Pertiet.


Monday, September 12, 2011


It's been three years... Just cause I think about her a lot, and she created a group of friends that has stood the test of time, this post is for her. My dear friend Aleida. She was gone way too soon and I miss her. Lots of us do...

This is a digital LO I made for a book her friends put together for her family when she passed away. She was funny, vivacious, honest and beautiful inside and out. I miss her so...

May 16th, 1967 - Sept 12th, 2008.

Monday, September 5, 2011

These Words...

I found these words a few days ago while browsing Pinterest, and I thought they described pretty accurately what I wish for myself in these trying times.
Only after researching the quote to be able to credit it, did I realize it was from Proverbs 31:25. Who knew?  Guess they were exactly what I needed to see at the exact time I needed to see them.
I'm gonna be reading them a lot and making them a personal mantra. 
Here's hoping they stick.

I hope yours is a great week.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Font Love: Gotta Get These.

Man, MyFonts will be the death of me. That place makes me giddy in a serious way and I wish I had tons and tons of cash to spend on all the fonts I've been drooling over. Alas...  I gotta think over my purchases carefully. Sigh.

These are the ones I have in my sights right now. I love, love them all, but Cheap Pine makes my heart beat faster.

OK, I'm off to find out if MyFonts has gift certificates. Bwahahaha.

Later lovelies.
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